Now showing items 2-8 of 8

      Boydak, M. & Çalışkan, S. (2016). Efectos de choque térmico sobre la germinación de semillas de pino rojo de turquía (pinus brutia). Bosque, 37(2), 327-333. doi:10.4067/S0717-92002016000200011 [1]
      Boydak, M. (2019). A new subspecies of Phoenix theophrasti Greuter (Phoenix theophrasti Greuter subsp. golkoyana Boydak) from Turkey. Forestist, 69(2), 133-144. doi:10.26650/forestist.2019.19016 [1]
      Boydak, M., Teker, T., Gazdağlı, A., Thanos, C. A., Çalışkan, S., Kaltsis, A., Çalikoğlu Tozlu, E., Fournaraki, C. & Albayrak, G. (2021). ISSR genotyping of Phoenix theophrasti natural populations in Turkey and Crete (Greece) and P. Dactylifera. Nordic Journal of Botany, 39(10), 1-11. doi:10.1111/njb.03104 [1]
      Caliskan, S. & Boydak, M. (2017). Afforestation of arid and semiarid ecosystems in turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 41(5), 317-330. doi:10.3906/tar-1702-39 [1]
      Çetin, B. & Boydak, M. (2013). Isıtma işleminin kızılçam (Pinus brutia Ten.) tohumlarının çimlenmesine etkisi. Düzce Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Ormancılık Dergisi, 9(1), 43-54. [1]
      Ekşi, M. & Uzun, A. (2016). Assessment of green roof systems in terms of water and energy balance. Istanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 66(1), 119-138. doi:10.17099/jffiu.67110 [1]
      O'Hara, K. L., Bončína, A., Diaci, J., Anić, I. D., Boydak, M., Čurović, M., Govedar, Z. V., Grigoriadis, N., Ivojevic, S., Keren, S., Kola, H., Kostov, G., Medarević, M. J., Metaj, M., Nicolescu, N. V., Raifailov, G., Stăncioiu, P. T. & Velkovski, N. (2018). Culture and silviculture: origins and evolution of silviculture in Southeast Europe. International Forestry Review, 20(1), 130-143. doi:10.1505/146554818822824228 [1]