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    Bariyerli otoyol gişelerinin trafik akımına etkisi: İstanbul Kuzey Marmara Otoyolu örneği
    (Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi, 2022-07-30) Aksoy, Göker; Çakıcı, Ziya
    Bu çalışma bariyerli, nakit ve otomatik ödeme sistemlerinin birlikte kullanıldığı otoyol çıkış gişelerinin trafik akımına olan etkisini ele almaktadır. Gişelerde, nakit ödeme yapan sürücüler tamamen durarak ödemelerini yapmakta, otomatik ödeme sistemine sahip olan araçlar ise hızlarını düşürerek ve yalnızca bariyerin açılmasını gözeterek geçiş yapabilmektedir. Ayrıca, sürücüler, karma ödeme sistemlerinin yanında farklı araç tiplerinin kullanımıyla da artan servis süreleriyle karşı karşıya kalmaktadır. Bu çalışma kapsamında, gişelerdeki servis süreleri, İstanbul Kuzey Marmara Otoyolu‘ nun Alemdağ gişeleri göz önünde bulundurularak, VISSIM benzetim programı ile farklı senaryolar altında incelenmiştir. Analizler sonucunda, otoyol ücretinin nakit ödenmesi durumunda servis sürelerinin araç tipine göre değişiklik gösterdiği ve bu sürelerin 6.1 sn ile 66 saniye arasında değiştiği görülmüştür. Bununla birlikte, talebin düşük olması durumunda, ardışık otomatik ödeme sistemini kullanan taşıtların birbirine etkisinin neredeyse bulunmadığı, nakit ödeme yapan kullanıcıların ise diğer taşıtlar üzerinde önemli etkileri olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, 2000 tşt/sa/şrt‘ lik talep olması ve tüm taşıtların nakit ödemeyi tercih etmesi durumunda 48 dakikalara varan gecikmelerin yaşanabileceği bulunmuştur.
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    İstanbul çevre yollarında yağmurun serbest akım hızı ve kapasiteye etkisinin irdelenmesi
    (TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisşeri Odası, 2019-10-12) Aksoy, Göker; Öğüt, Kemal Selçuk
    Trafik tıkanıklığının en çok yaşandığı kentimiz, 15 milyondan fazla nüfusuyla şüphesiz İstanbul’dur. İki önemli anayolu (D100 Karayolu ve O2, O3, O4 Otoyolları) üzerinde, zirve saatlerde yapılan yolculukların daha uzun sürdüğü sürücüler tarafından benimsenmiş bir gerçektir. Aynı zamanda, yağmur gibi sürücü davranışını değiştirebilen çevresel bir dış etmenin tıkanıklığın etkilerini daha da arttırdığı tecrübe edilen bir durumdur. Ayrıca, otoyol gibi yüksek hızların yapıldığı yerlerde, diğer taşıtların sebep olduğu ıslak yol yüzeyinden havaya kalkan yağmur suları da görüşü olumsuz etkileyerek sürücülerin benzer şekilde tepki vermesine neden olur. Kısacası, insan algısının bir sonucu olarak izleme aralıkları yağmur etkisiyle artar, hızlar düşer. Kuşkusuz her sürücü benzer tepkiyi vermeyeceğinden, yolu kullanan taşıtlar arasındaki hız farkları yağışsız günlere göre daha da artacak ve artan hız farklarıyla yol daha güvensiz olacaktır. Bu çalışmada, İstanbul’un önemli çevre yolları olan, O2, O3, O4 Otoyolları ve D100 Karayolu üzerinde trafik akımının yağmur etkisi altındaki değişimi incelenmiştir. Çalışma alanı kent içi bölgede kalan, kapasite akımının ölçüldüğü, tıkanıklık sorunun yaşandığı bölgelerle sınırlandırılmış ve otoyollarda 50, D100 Karayolu’nda ise 62 km’lik bir bölge incelenmiştir. Trafik algılayıcılarıyla toplanan trafik akım verileri, meteorolojik verilerle birlikte değerlendirilmiştir. Toplam 7 farklı meteoroloji istasyonu ölçümleri 25 farklı trafik algılayıcısı ölçümleriyle eşleştirilmiş ve çözümlemelerde yer almıştır. Güneşli ve yağmurlu günler arasında trafik akımındaki farklılıklar açığa çıkarılmıştır. Yağmur etkisi altında, otoyollarda serbest akım hızı (SAH) %8,61, D100 Karayolu’nda ise %8,16 azalmış; kapasitenin ise sırasıyla %7,88 ve %9,07 oranlarında azaldığı bulunmuştur. Ayrıca boyuna eğimin artması her iki yol tipinde de SAH’ı azaltmakta, kapasite ise artan boyuna eğim ile birlikte yalnızca otoyollarda azalmaktadır.
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    The investigation of the effect of saturation flow on the average vehicle delay at signalized intersections
    (Izmir Democracy University, 2021-12-18) Çakıcı, Ziya; Aksoy, Göker
    Saturation flow (s) is one of the most important parameters used for determining of signal timings at signalized intersections. Therefore, this parameter directly affects the various intersection performance criteria such as queue length, average delay, the level of service and capacity. In this study, determination of the effect of saturation flow rate on the average vehicle delay is aimed. In the scope of the study, firstly, an optimization model which minimizes the average vehicle delay at the intersection is set. Then, a software which optimizes the signal timings at the intersection by using Differential Evolution Algorithm (DEA) is prepared in MATLAB environment. In the second stage, 15 traffic volume scenarios which have different total traffic volume from each other for a four-leg signalized intersection are created in order to test different traffic cases. Created scenarios are classified in 3 groups as Low Volume (LV), Moderate Volume (MV) and High Volume (HV). In the next stage, each scenario is analyzed considering 9 different saturation flow rates (s=1600, 1650, 1700, 1750, 1800, 1850, 1900, 1950, 2000 vehicle/hour/lane), separately. In case of implementing of these saturation flow rates, obtained signal optimum timings and average vehicle delay for each scenario are evaluated in details. In the last stage of the study, the average vehicle delays obtained by using s=1800 vehicle/hour/lane which is frequently encountered in many studies in the literature are compared with the average vehicle delays obtained by using other saturation flow rates, relatively. As a result of the comparisons, it is determined that the differences between average vehicle delays are quite low (between -0.9% and +1.2%) in case of Low Volume. In case of Moderate Volume, differences between -20.8% and +37.2% are seen. In case of High Volume, it can be said that the differences change between -41.4% and +116.3%. This situation clearly demonstrate that accurate and faultless measurement of saturation flow rate is quite important in terms of the performance of the intersection, especially in case of moderate and high volume.
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    GIS aided vulnerability assessment for roads
    (Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 2022-04-21) Çalışkan, Berna; Atahan, Ali Osman; Kesten, Ali Sercan
    Road networks are vulnerable to natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes and forest fires which can adversely affect the travel on the network. However, not all road links equally affect the travel conditions in a given network; typically some links are more critical to the network functioning than the others. The first stage of study involves the investigation of geological conditions. Image classification used for extracting information classes from ‘Geological Map of Istanbul area’ image file. The resulting raster layer used to create thematic map. A reclassification was performed for lithologic types. The second stage involves analyzing topological situation. A slope map prepared and classified according to percentage of slope values. The third phase is the analysis and interpretation of the accumulated data to establish suitable and applicable road vulnerability scores. The information in the source data for each vulnerability factor are classified into three different vulnerability scores: +2 (considerably increases vulnerability), +1 (increases vulnerability) and 0 (does not increase vulnerability) by using a vulnerability score table. The study area was categorized into three different traffic analysis zones as: (1) least favorable area; (2) favorable area; (3) most favorable area. Vulnerability values obtained to measure serviceability of critical links in dense urban road networks and applies them to the case of ‘Beyoğlu’ region. Thematic layers were prepared using the Geographic Information System (GIS), and they were then combined to produce the serviceability of road links in the ‘Beyoğlu’ region. Consequently, A site specific vulnerability index is proposed, considering the serviceability of road links. A conceptual flowchart of the GIS processing steps taken to obtain the vulnerability index is illustrated.
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    (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021) Dutta, Subashisa; İnan, Esin; Dwivedy, Santosha Kumar
    [No abstract available]
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    Free vibration of composite sandwich beams with microstretch viscoelastic core
    (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021) Aydınlık, Soner; Kırış, Ahmet; İnan, Esin
    In the present work, we studied a sandwich beam which is made of two thin stiff layers on top and bottom and a microstretch viscoelastic core in the middle. Here, the top and the bottom stiff layers are considered as elastic, while the inner part is taken as microstretch viscoelastic material. The free vibration of this composite beam is investigated. Differential transform method is used for the solution. The values of the frequencies obtained for microstretch case are found greater than the classical ones, as it is expected. Besides, the minimum differences between the classical frequencies and deviated classical frequencies due to the microstretch core are getting bigger for the large loss factors.
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    (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2020) Dutta, Subashisa; İnan, Esin; Dwivedy, Santosha Kumar
    [No abstract available]
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    Acoustic and structural design of a highway noise barrier
    (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2020-05-18) Kesten, Ali Sercan; Umut, Önder; Ayva, Burak
    Highway noise barriers are designed to mitigate the effects of traffic noise along the highway. Noise barriers primarily block the direct path of the sound between the source on the highway and the receiver exposed to the sound. Noise mitigation capability, aesthetics, cost and constructability and structural capacity against wind and earthquake loads are critical parameters to be considered in noise barrier design. The height and length of a noise barrier are determined by acoustical considerations, aesthetics and cost. In addition, the structural design of the noise barrier should meet the established standards. The aim of this study is to evaluate the noise mitigation capabilities, aesthetic features and costs of acoustic designs for the residential buildings located near the urban highway and evaluate the structural performances against wind and earthquake. Through the interviews, the designs higher than 10m are not found acceptable by the residents and also due to the aesthetic concerns the upper part of the noise barrier is set to be constructed as glass. Therefore, the noise reduction capabilities and construction cost and the alternatives that complies with the constraints are determined and the corresponding costs are calculated accordingly. Noise simulation software is used to identify the effectiveness of selected noise barriers and structural analysis and design software is used to evaluate the structural performance. The results show that designed precast lightweight concrete and glass composite noise barrier meet the required noise reduction goal along with a resilient structural performance and affordable cost.
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    Analyzing the benefits and challenges of building information modelling and life cycle assessment integration
    (Springer, 2020) Azizoğlu, Heval Botan; Seyis Kazazoğlu, Senem
    Previous studies show that the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry contributes up to 1/3 of global GHG emissions. With the aim of mitigating negative impacts of AEC industry on the natural environment, the integrated use of advanced technological instruments has been increasing in the last decade. The integration of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), which is one of the cutting-edge technological instruments, provides reduction of the total time spent and the improvement of the application while minimizing the environmental impacts throughout the life cycle of the facility. The main objective of this research study is to identify the benefits and challenges of BIM and LCA integration. In order to achieve the research objective of this study, a comprehensive literature review was conducted. Twenty-two types of benefits and seven types of challenges were identified for the integrated use of BIM and LCA in the AEC industry. The major contribution of this study is a comprehensive identification of the benefits and challenges of BIM-LCA integration. The results of this study may contribute to an increase in the utilization of the BIM-LCA integration in the AEC industry that in return allows decreasing negative environmental impacts of buildings through their life-cycle.
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    Improving the calibration time of traffic simulation models using parallel computing technique
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2019-06) Dadashzadeh, Nima; Ergün, Murat; Kesten, Ali Sercan; Zura, Marijan
    The calibration procedure for traffic simulation models can be a very time-consuming process in the case of a large-scale and complex network. In the application of Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) such as Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for calibration of traffic simulation models, objective function evaluation is the most time-consuming step in such calibration problems, because EA has to run a traffic simulation and calculate its corresponding objective function value once for each set of parameters. The main contribution of this study has been to develop a quick calibration procedure for the parameters of driving behavior models using EA and parallel computing techniques (PCTs). The proposed method was coded and implemented in a microscopic traffic simulation software. Two scenarios with/without PCT were analyzed using the developed methodology. The results of scenario analysis show that using an integrated calibration and PCT can reduce the total computational time of the optimization process significantly-in our experiments by 50%-and improve the optimization algorithm's performance in a complex optimization problem. The proposed method is useful for overcoming the limitation of computational time of the existing calibration methods and can be applied to various EAs and traffic simulation software.
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    A precision estimation method for volumetric changes
    (IEEE, 2019-06) Akça, Mehmet Devrim; Stylianidis, Efstratios; Gruen, Armin W.; Altan, Mehmet Orhan; Hofer, Martin; Smagas, Konstantinos; Sanchez Martin, Victor; Walli, Andreas; Jimeno, Elisa; Garcia, Alejandro
    Earth surface changes are often computed by comparing the sequences of digital elevation models (DEMs) so called the DEM of difference (DoD) method. We present an operational DEM generation, co-registration and DoD comparison software in which the surface changes are quantified in metric units of volume. A practical method, which is based on the law of error propagation, is developed to estimate the theoretical precisions of volumetric changes. The proposed pipeline can estimate the change of object volumes (in terms of loss and gain) together with their precision numbers. Change of the forest volume in a fire effected region in a test site is analyzed for the validation. The method can be used for various change detection applications related to forestry as well as other topics such as earthworks, geomorphology, mining, and urbanization.
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    Photogrammetric deformation monitoring of the second Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul
    (International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2014) Avşar, Özgür; Akça, Mehmet Devrim; Altan, Mehmet Orhan
    Improving the efficiency of bridge inspection and minimizing the impact of dynamic load on the long term deterioration of the bridge structure reduces maintenance and upkeep costs whilst also improving bridge longevity and safety. This paper presents the results of an on-going project whose ultimate goal is the real-time photogrammetric monitoring the structural deformations of the second Bosphorus Bridge of Istanbul.
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    Total least squares registration of 3D surfaces
    (Copernicus GmbH, 2013-10-16) Aydar, Umut; Akça, Mehmet Devrim; Altan, Mehmet Orhan; Akyılmaz, Orhan
    Co-registration of point clouds of partially scanned objects is the first step of the 3D modeling workflow. The aim of coregistration is to merge the overlapping point clouds by estimating the spatial transformation parameters. In computer vision and photogrammetry domain one of the most popular methods is the ICP (Iterative Closest Point) algorithm and its variants. There exist the 3D Least Squares (LS) matching methods as well (Gruen and Akca, 2005). The co-registration methods commonly use the least squares (LS) estimation method in which the unknown transformation parameters of the (floating) search surface is functionally related to the observation of the (fixed) template surface. Here, the stochastic properties of the search surfaces are usually omitted. This omission is expected to be minor and does not disturb the solution vector significantly. However, the a posteriori covariance matrix will be affected by the neglected uncertainty of the function values of the search surface. . This causes deterioration in the realistic precision estimates. In order to overcome this limitation, we propose a method where the stochastic properties of both the observations and the parameters are considered under an errors-in-variables (EIV) model. The experiments have been carried out using diverse laser scanning data sets and the results of EIV with the ICP and the conventional LS matching methods have been compared.
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    Pre- and post-fire comparison of forest areas in 3D
    (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2019) Akça, Mehmet Devrim; Stylianidis, Efstratios; Poli, Daniela; Gruen, Armin W.; Altan, Mehmet Orhan; Hofer, Martin; Smagas, Konstantinos; Martin, Victor Sanchez; Walli, Andreas; Jimeno, Elisa; Garcia, Alejandro
    A satellite processing platform for high resolution forest assessment (FORSAT) was developed. It generates the digital surface models (DSMs) of the forest canopy by advanced processing of the very-high resolution (VHR) optical satellite imagery and automatically matches the pre- and post-fire DSMs for 3D change detection. The FORSAT software system can perform the following tasks: pre-processing, point measurement, orientation, quasi-epipolar image generation, image matching, DSM extraction, orthoimage generation, photogrammetric restitution either in mono-plotting mode or in stereo models, 3D surface matching, co-registration, comparison and change detection. It can thoroughly calculate the planimetric and volumetric changes between the epochs. It supports most of the VHR optical imagery commonly used for civil applications. Capabilities of FORSAT have been tested in two real forest fire cases, where the burned areas are located in Cyprus and Austria. The geometric characteristics of burned forest areas have been identified both in 2D plane and 3D volume dimensions, using pre- and post-fire optical image data from different sensors. The test studies showed that FORSAT is an operational software capable of providing spatial (3D) and temporal (4D) information for monitoring of forest fire areas and sustainable forest management. Beyond the wildfires, it can be used for many other forest information needs.
  • Yayın
    A Generic point error model for TLS derived point clouds
    (SPIE-Int Soc Optical Engineering, 2017-06-26) Özendi, Mustafa; Akça, Mehmet Devrim; Topan, Hüseyin
    This work aims at developing a generic and anisotropic point error model, which is capable of computing magnitude and direction of a priori random errors, described in the form of error ellipsoids for each individual point of the cloud. The direct TLS observations are the range (rho), vertical (alpha) and horizontal (theta) angles, each of which is in fact associated with a priori precision value. A practical methodology was designed and performed in real-world test environments to determine these precision values. The methodology has two experimental parts. The first part is a static and repetitive measurement configuration for the determination of a priori precisions of the vertical (sigma(alpha)) and horizontal (sigma(theta)) angles. The second part is the measurement of a test stand which contains four plates in white, light grey, dark grey and black colors, for the determination of a priori precisions of the range observations (sigma(rho)). The test stand measurement is performed in a recursive manner so that sensor-to-object distance, incidence angle and surface reflectivity are parameterized. The experiment was conducted with three TLSs, namely Faro Focus 3D X330, Riegl VZ400 and Z+F 5010x in the same location and atmospheric conditions. This procedure was followed by the computation of error ellipsoids of each point using the law of variance-covariance propagation. The direction and size of the error ellipsoids were computed by the principal components transformation. Validation of the proposed error model was performed in real world scenarios, which revealed feasibility of the model.
  • Yayın
    3-Dimensional pre- and post-fire comparison of forest areas
    (International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2018-03-06) Akça, Mehmet Devrim; Stylianidis, Efstratios; Poli, Daniela; Gruen, Armin W.; Altan, Mehmet Orhan; Hofer, Martin; Smagas, Konstantinos; Martin, Victor Sanchez; Garcia, Alejandro; Jimeno, Elisa; Walli, Andreas
    Forest agencies give special attention to forest fires where post-disaster loss can rarely be gauged in a quick and economic way unless an appropriate technology is adopted. Determination of the planimetric and volumetric changes between pre- and post-fire is in high demand. The FORSAT system (a satellite processing platform for high resolution forest assessment) was developed to meet the relevant demands. It has the capability of extracting of 3D geometric information from the very-high resolution (VHR) imagery from satellite optical sensors and automatic 3D change detection. FORSAT includes two main units. The first one is dedicated to the geometric and radiometric processing of satellite optical imagery and 2D/3D information extraction. This includes: image radiometric pre-processing, image and ground point measurement, improvement of geometric sensor orientation, quasi-epipolar image generation for stereo measurements, digital surface model (DSM) extraction by using a precise and robust image matching approach specially designed for VHR satellite imagery, generation of orthoimages, and 3D measurements in single images using mono-plotting and in stereo images. FORSAT supports most of the VHR optically imagery commonly used for civil applications: IKONOS, OrbView - 3, SPOT - 5 HRS, SPOT - 5 HRG, QuickBird, GeoEye-1, WorldView-1/2, Pléiades 1A/1B, SPOT 6/7. The second unit of FORSAT is dedicated to 3D surface comparison for change detection. It allows users to import DSMs, to co-register them using an advanced 3D surface matching approach and to calculate the planimetric and volumetric changes between epochs. The capacity and benefits of FORSAT have been tested in two real cases, where are burned areas located in Cyprus and Austria. The geometric characteristics of burned forest areas have been identified both in 2D plane and 3D volume dimensions, using pre- and post-fire optical data from different sensors. FORSAT is a single source and flexible forest information solution, allowing expert and non-expert remote sensing users to monitor forests in three and four dimensions from VHR optical imagery for many forest information needs.
  • Yayın
    Stochastic surface mesh reconstruction
    (International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2018-05-30) Özendi, Mustafa; Akça, Mehmet Devrim; Topan, Hüseyin
    A generic and practical methodology is presented for 3D surface mesh reconstruction from the terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) derived point clouds. It has two main steps. The first step deals with developing an anisotropic point error model, which is capable of computing the theoretical precisions of 3D coordinates of each individual point in the point cloud. The magnitude and direction of the errors are represented in the form of error ellipsoids. The following second step is focused on the stochastic surface mesh reconstruction. It exploits the previously determined error ellipsoids by computing a point-wise quality measure, which takes into account the semi-diagonal axis length of the error ellipsoid. The points only with the least errors are used in the surface triangulation. The remaining ones are automatically discarded.
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    Shapes and statistics of the rogue waves generated by chaotic ocean current
    (International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, 2016) Bayındır, Cihan
    In this study we discuss the shapes and statistics of the rogue (freak) waves emerging due to wave-current interactions. With this purpose, we use a simple governing equation which is a nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) extended by R. Smith (1976). This extended NLSE accounts for the effects of current gradient on the nonlinear dynamics of the ocean surface near blocking point. Using a split-step scheme we show that the extended NLSE of Smith is unstable against random chaotic perturbation in the current profile. Therefore the monochromatic wave field with unit amplitude turns into a chaotic sea state with many peaks. By comparing the numerical and analytical results, we show that rogue waves due to perturbations in the current profile are in the form of rational rogue wave solutions of the NLSE. We also discuss the effects of magnitude of the chaotic current profile perturbations on the statistics of the rogue wave generation at the ocean surface. The extension term in Smith's extended NLSE causes phase shifts and it does not change the total energy level of the wave field. Using the methodology adopted in this study, the dynamics of rogue wave occurrence on the ocean surface due to blocking effect of currents can be studied. This enhances the safety of the offshore operations and ocean travel.
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    An emprical point error model for TLS derived point clouds
    (International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2016) Özendi, Mustafa; Akça, Mehmet Devrim; Topan, Hüseyin
    The random error pattern of point clouds has significant effect on the quality of final 3D model. The magnitude and distribution of random errors should be modelled numerically. This work aims at developing such an anisotropic point error model, specifically for the terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) acquired 3D point clouds. A priori precisions of basic TLS observations, which are the range, horizontal angle and vertical angle, are determined by predefined and practical measurement configurations, performed at real-world test environments. A priori precision of horizontal (??) and vertical (??) angles are constant for each point of a data set, and can directly be determined through the repetitive scanning of the same environment. In our practical tests, precisions of the horizontal and vertical angles were found as ??=±36.6 and ??=±17.8, respectively. On the other hand, a priori precision of the range observation (??) is assumed to be a function of range, incidence angle of the incoming laser ray, and reflectivity of object surface. Hence, it is a variable, and computed for each point individually by employing an empirically developed formula varying as ??=±2a'12 mm for a FARO Focus X330 laser scanner. This procedure was followed by the computation of error ellipsoids of each point using the law of variance-covariance propagation. The direction and size of the error ellipsoids were computed by the principal components transformation. The usability and feasibility of the model was investigated in real world scenarios. These investigations validated the suitability and practicality of the proposed method.
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    Energy dissipation characteristics of slab type buildings with special connectors
    (National Technical University of Athen, 2015-05-25) Şenol, Erkan; Dindar, Ahmet Anıl; Yüksel, Ercan; Karadoğan, Hüseyin Faruk
    The latest developments in the construction technologies and the materials facilitated the practicing engineers to go higher and energy-efficient buildings. However, the safety of the buildings and the residents has been an issue all the time. This is not an exception for the precast structures. The advantages of the precast elements are the quality assurance and the rapid erection on the site and challenged by the connection details and their performances during the extreme loading cases such as earthquakes. The utilization of a special mechanical connection of the precast members have been in the focus of the recent works in Istanbul Technical University (ITU-STEELAB). The prototypes of the proposed special connectors, called as cushion, were tested in STEELAB in order to determine the mechanical properties such as lateral and axial stiffness and the failure modes. Once the properties were determined, a hypothetical building of single story multi-bay slab type structure was modeled in the computer framework capable of substituting various parametric values into the model, processing and extracting the results for statistical analysis, SAMA. SAMA is developed based on the use of SAP 2000 OAPI functions called in MATLAB and Python scripts. In the hypothetical model, the cushions were modeled as link elements and placed between all the precast elements including foundation-cladding interface. Extensive non-linear time-history analysis was conducted to identify the damage localization by comparing the energy dissipation at each mechanical connector under ground motion records selected according to focal distance, site conditions and intensity. The preliminary results reveal that the cushions are effectively dissipating a significant amount of energy and mitigating the collapse of the precast elements. The more detailed conclusions will be discussed in the near future.