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  • Öğe
    The relationship between marital satisfaction and depression: The mediation effect of housewife burn
    (Wiley, 2023-12) Ulusoy, Ayşe Nehir; Karaköse, Selin
    [No abstract available]
  • Öğe
    The relationship between children's and parents' technology use and children's emotional development
    (Wiley, 2023-12) Ögel Balaban, Hale; Altan, Şebnem
    [No abstract available]
  • Öğe
    An examination of predictors regarding the physical distancing behavior: a study from Turkish sample
    (Hogrefe AG-Hogrefe AG Suisse, 2023-10) Temeloğlu Şen, esin; Ünver, Buket; Oner Gucin, Nuray
    [No abstract available]
  • Öğe
    Gain sensitivity and cheating: the role of psychological entitlement
    (Hogrefe AG-Hogrefe AG Suisse, 2023-10) Peker, Müjde; Koloğlugil, Serhat; Şahin, Türkay; Demircan, Nilhan
    [No abstract available]
  • Öğe
    Caring for carers: a virtual psychosocial supervision intervention to improve the quality and sustainability of mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian contexts
    (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2022-06) Wells, R.; Acartuk, C.; Almeamari, F.; Alokoud, M.; Beetar, A.; Eldardery, H.; Elshazly, M.; Savluk Faruk, Ömer; Ginem, M. R.; Hadzi-Paylovic, Dusan; İlkkurşun, Z.; Jahan, S.; Joshi, R.; Klein, L.; Kurdi, Lina; Kurt, Gülan Albas; Mastrogiovanni, Chiara; Mozumder, M.; Lekkeh, S.; Nemorin, Shaun; Perry, Kathryn Nicholson; Orabi, M.; Qasim, J.; Steel, Zachery; Tavakol, Mahbube; Utah, H.; Uygun, E.; Wong, S.; Yan, L. (Fischer); Yousselr, R. Said; Zarate, Ariel; Rosenbaum, Stuart
    [No abstract available]
  • Öğe
    The determinants of capital structure decisions: new evidence from Turkish companies
    (Elsevier Science B.V., 2016) Güner, Ayşegül
    This study conducts a comparative test of trade-off theory and pecking order theory using 131 publicly traded Turkish companies' firm-level data between 2008 and 2014. The study also tries to exploit the differences between the capital structure decisions for various degrees of free float rate and foreign paid in capital, and for those that have various market values. According to the empirical results, although pecking order theory seems to better describe the capital structure of the firms, some of the determinants are suitable for trade-off theory. The results of the study also reveal that companies that have a free float rate between % 50 and % 75 have lower degrees of leverage and the degree of leverage varies for different market values of companies.
  • Öğe
    NFC loyal system on the cloud
    (IEEE Computer Society, 2013) Coşkun, Vedat; Özdenizci Köse, Büşra; Ok, Kerem; Alsadi, Mohammed
    FC (Near Field Communication) technology facilitates mobile phone usage of billions of people throughout the world that offers diverse services ranging from payment and loyalty applications to access keys for offices and houses. NFC technology is one promising technology that have adopted smart card as secure element (SE) to provide a secure area for the execution of multiple applications and storing sensitive data. In this paper, we developed a framework to integrate NFC loyal system onto the cloud. We adapted NFC mobiles together with their SE to the cloud (Infrastructure as a Service - IaaS) using Cloud Computing methodology.
  • Öğe
    Whether development indices affect economic growth: a cross-country analysis
    (Elsevier Science BV, 2016-11-23) Teker, Suat; Güner, Ayşegül
    This study aims to examine the relationship between economic growth and highly featured development indices using a cross sectional data of 12 countries from both developed and developing world between the years 2000 and 2013. The indices of corruption, democracy, freedom of press, human development, global competitiveness, economic freedom, and the featured development indicators of World Bank such as average schooling years, life expectancy, female labour force participation rate, health expenditures rate in GDP, export rate of high technology, and employment rate are used to investigate the relationship in between economic growth and development indices. In order to exploit this relationship, all individual indices are reformed to produce form a single index, what we call harmonic index. The findings show that the higher scores of harmonic Index are associated with higher GDP per capita all levels except Saudi Arabia.
  • Öğe
    Construction of some classes of two-variable lossless ladder networks with simple lumped elements and uniform transmission lines
    (IEEE, 1998) Sertbaş, Ahmet; Aksen, Ahmet; Yarman, Bekir Sıddık Binboğa
    In this paper, explicit two-variable description of some classes of ladder networks of high-pass, bandpass and band-reject types are presented. Up to a certain complexity, for two-element kinds of these type regular structures, explicit expressions describing the twovariable scattering functions are obtained.
  • Öğe
    On pseudo-umbilical rotational surfaces with pointwise 1-type gauss map in E-2(4)
    (Istanbul Technical Univ, 2017-01-01) Bektaş, Burcu; Canfes, Elif Özkara; Dursun, Uğur
    In this work, we study two families of rotational surfaces in the pseudo Euclidean space 1E4 with profile curves lying in 2 dimensional planes. First, we obtain a classification of pseudo umbilical spacelike surfaces and timelike surfaces in these families. Then, we show that in this classification there exists no a pseudo umbilical rotational surface in 1E4 with pointwise 1 type Gauss map of second kind. Finally, we determine such pseudo umbilical rotational surfaces in 1E4 having pointwise 1 type Gauss map of first kind.
  • Öğe
    TROIA Adaptive optics system for DAG telescope; assembly and laboratory performance prior to on-sky assessment
    (SPIE, 2022-08-29) Keskin, Onur; Jolissaint, Laurent; Bouxin, Audrey; Yeşilyaprak, Cahit
    In this article, we describe the current status of the development of TROIA* a pyramid wavefront sensor based adaptive optics system designed for DAG, a new 4 m telescope located in Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. The wavefront uses a no-noise electron-multiplied CCD camera, and the deformable mirror has a large actuators density, allowing coronagraphic science in one hand, but also system optimization for low light level or bad seeing conditions thanks to the versatility of the P-WFS. We describe the optical design, the mounting and alignment procedure and our loop control concept. Closed loop results are described, showing that while there are still many issues to fix before the sky version, the system behaves as expected.
  • Öğe
    Design of the near infrared camera DIRAC for East Anatolia Observatory
    (SPIE, 2022) Zhelem, Ross; Content, Robert; Churilov, Vladimir; Kripak, Yevgen; Waller, Lew; Case, Scott; Mali, Slavko; Muller, Rolf; Gonzalez, Mario; Adams, Dave; Binos, Nick; Chin, Timothy; Farrell, Tony; Klauser, Urs; Kondrat, Yuriy; Kunwar, Nirmala; Lawrence, Jon; Lorente, Nuria; Luo, Summer; McDonald, Erica; McGregor, Helen; Nichani, Vijay; Pai, Naveen; Vuong, Minh; Zahoor, Jahanzeb; Zheng, Jessica; Norris, Barnaby; Bryant, Julia; Vaccarella, Annino; Herrald, Nick; Gilbert, James; Yeşilyaprak, Cahit; Güçsav, Bülent; Coker, Deniz; Keskin, Onur; Jolissaint, Laurent
    The 4m DAG telescope is under construction at East Anatolia Observatory in Turkey. DIRAC, the " DAG InfraRed Adaptive optics Camera", is one of the facility instruments. This paper describes the design of the camera to meet the performance specifications. Adaptive and auxiliary optics relay the telescope F/14 input 1:1 into DIRAC. The camera has an all refractive design for the wavelength range 0.9 - 2.4 micron. Lenses reimage the telescope focal plane 33 x 33 as (9 x 9 mm) on a 1k x 1k focal plane array. With magnification of 2x, the plate scale on the detector is 33 mas/pixel. There are 4 standard filters (Y, J, H, K) and 4 narrowband continuum filters. A 12 position filter wheel allows installation of 2 extra customer filters for specific needs; the filter wheel also deploys a pupil viewer lens. Optical tolerancing is carried out to deliver the required image quality at polychromatic Strehl ratio of 90% with focus compensator. This reveals some challenges in the precision assembly of optics for cryogenic environments. We require cells capable of maintaining precision alignment and keeping lenses stress free. The goal is achieved by a combination of flexures with special bonding epoxy matching closely the CTE of the lens cells and crystalline materials. The camera design is very compact with object to image distance <220 mm and lens diameters <25 mm. A standalone cryostat is LN2 cooled for vibration free operation with the bench mounted adaptive optics module (TROIA) and coronagraph (PLACID) at the Nasmyth focus of the DAG telescope.
  • Öğe
    Machine learning-based model categorization using textual and structural features
    (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022-09-08) Khalilipour, Alireza; Bozyiğit, Fatma; Utku, Can; Challenger, Moharram
    Model Driven Engineering (MDE), where models are the core elements in the entire life cycle from the specification to maintenance phases, is one of the promising techniques to provide abstraction and automation. However, model management is another challenging issue due to the increasing number of models, their size, and their structural complexity. So that the available models should be organized by modelers to be reused and overcome the development of the new and more complex models with less cost and effort. In this direction, many studies are conducted to categorize models automatically. However, most of the studies focus either on the textual data or structural information in the intelligent model management, leading to less precision in the model management activities. Therefore, we utilized a model classification using baseline machine learning approaches on a dataset including 555 Ecore metamodels through hybrid feature vectors including both textual and structural information. In the proposed approach, first, the textual information of each model has been summarized in its elements through text processing as well as the ontology of synonyms within a specific domain. Then, the performances of machine learning classifiers were observed on two different variants of the datasets. The first variant includes only textual features (represented both in TF-IDF and word2vec representations), whereas the second variant consists of the determined structural features and textual features. It was finally concluded that each experimented machine learning algorithm gave more successful prediction performance on the variant containing structural features. The presented model yields promising results for the model classification task with a classification accuracy of 89.16%.
  • Öğe
    Eastern Anatolia Observatory (DAG): the status in 2022, towards the first light
    (SPIE, 2022) Yeşilyaprak, Cahit; Keskin, Onur; Jolissaint, Laurent
    East Anatolian Observatory's DAG telescope, with its 4m diameter primary mirror and VIS/IR observation capability, Eastern Anatolian Observatory's 4m diameter class DAG telescope, with VIS/IR observation capability, will be located on the Konakll-Karaya summit at an altitude of 3170 m, near the city of Erzurum, Turkey. DAG contains both active optics (aO) and adaptive optics (AO) systems. With the enclosure assembly nearly done, and the dummy mirror integration including the M1 cell integration performed at the end of 2021; DAG telescope's AIV is planned to take place by the end of May/2022 and the Provisional Acceptance by November/2022. DAG is equipped with an in-flange derotator-KORAY (K-mirror Optical RelAY) that will direct the light to the seeing limited Nasmyth platform containing TROIA (TuRkish adaptive Optics system for Infrared Astronomy). The scientific instruments that DAG will receive in 2022, are but not limited to, a stellar coronagraph and a 30"NIR diffraction limited camera. In his paper, a global status update and expected optical performance characteristics will be presented.
  • Öğe
    DAG 4m telescope: optics completion, on-site integration and test
    (SPIE, 2022) Pirnay, Olivier; Albart, Pierre; Bastin, Christian; De Ville, Jonathan; Gabriel, Eric; Leseur, Thibault; Lousberg, Grégory P.; Méant, Laurence; Orban, Sabrina; Tortolani, Jean-Marc; Amalfi, Manfredi; Marchiori, Gianpietro; Rampini, Francesco; Busatta, Andrea; Yeşilyaprak, Cahit; Keskin, Onur
    AMOS with EIE as main subcontractor has recently completed the erection of the 4 m telescope located at the Turkish Eastern Anatolia Observatory (DAG) set up by the Ataturk University Astrophysics Research and Application Centre (ATASAM) of Erzurum. The telescope design is based on a Ritchey-Chrétien configuration with two folded Nasmyth focal planes and a focal length of 56m. The optical train is composed of three mirrors: the primary mirror (M1) with an optical aperture of 4m, a convex secondary mirror (M2), and a large flat folding mirror (M3). Diffraction-limited performances in optical and near infrared spectral bands will be achieved thanks to the combination of active and adaptive optics systems. The active optics system is controlling the shape of the primary mirror by means of 66 axial force actuators and position actively the secondary and tertiary mirrors by means of hexapods. The adaptive optics system will be implemented at one of the two Nasmyth ports. As main contractor, AMOS is in charge of the overall project management, the system engineering, the optical design and the active optics development. As main sub-contractor and partner of AMOS, EIE is in charge of the development of the mount. Following the factory acceptance in Europe, the telescope was dismounted and delivered in early 2021. The activities onsite were carried out according to the assembly, integration and verification plan (AIV plan). In the meantime, the fabrication of the 4 m primary mirror was completed, and the full set of mirrors was forwarded on-site before the end of the year 2021. In this paper is presented a brief description of the design and performances of the telescope followed by the project progress status at the time the optics are being integrated in the telescope for the first time. This includes the review of the mirrors as-built quality and the excepted performances of the telescope mount after alignment and tuning. The path forward final acceptance is explained with the presentation of the optical alignment method and the test carried-out on-sky.
  • Öğe
    Unreasonable effectiveness of last hidden layer activations for adversarial robustness
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022) Tuna, Ömer Faruk; Çatak, Ferhat Özgür; Eskil, Mustafa Taner
    In standard Deep Neural Network (DNN) based classifiers, the general convention is to omit the activation function in the last (output) layer and directly apply the softmax function on the logits to get the probability scores of each class. In this type of architectures, the loss value of the classifier against any output class is directly proportional to the difference between the final probability score and the label value of the associated class. Standard White-box adversarial evasion attacks, whether targeted or untargeted, mainly try to exploit the gradient of the model loss function to craft adversarial samples and fool the model. In this study, we show both mathematically and experimentally that using some widely known activation functions in the output layer of the model with high temperature values has the effect of zeroing out the gradients for both targeted and untargeted attack cases, preventing attackers from exploiting the model's loss function to craft adversarial samples. We've experimentally verified the efficacy of our approach on MNIST (Digit), CIFAR10 datasets. Detailed experiments confirmed that our approach substantially improves robustness against gradient-based targeted and untargeted attack threats. And, we showed that the increased non-linearity at the output layer has some ad-ditional benefits against some other attack methods like Deepfool attack.
  • Öğe
    Optimization of inverse problems involving surface reconstruction: least squares application
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022) Sefer, Ahmet
    This article addresses the least-squares method, which is vital in inverse scattering problems involving the reconstruction of inaccessible rough surface profiles from the measured scattered field data. The unknown surface profile is retrieved by a regularized recursive Newton algorithm which is regularized by the Tikhonov method. The importance of the least-squares application reveals at this point, where the unknown surface profile is expressed as a linear combination of some appropriate basis functions. Thus, the problem of obtaining the unknown rough surface is reduced to finding the unknown coefficients of these functions. As an optimization problem, the choice of appropriate basis functions, as well as the number of their expansions for rough surface imaging problems are essential for the iterative solutions. The validation limits and the performances of different basis functions are presented via several numerical examples.
  • Öğe
    Categorization of the models based on structural information extraction and machine learning
    (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022-07-21) Khalilipour, Alireza; Bozyiğit, Fatma; Utku, Can; Challenger, Moharram
    As various engineering fields increasingly use modelling techniques, the number of provided models, their size, and their structural complexity increase. This makes model management, including finding these models, with state of the art very expensive computationally, i.e., leads to non-tractable graph comparison algorithms. To handle this problem, modelers can organize available models to be reused and overcome the development of the new and more complex models with less cost and effort. Therefore, we utilized a model classification using baseline machine learning approaches on a dataset including 555 Ecore metamodels. In our proposed system, the structural information of each model was summarized in its elements through generating their simple labelled graphs. The proposed solution is to transform the complex attributed graphs of the models to simply labelled graphs so that graph analysis algorithms can be applied to them. The labelled graphs (models) were structurally compared using graph comparison techniques such as graph kernels, and the results were used as a set of features for similarity search. After generating feature vectors, the performance of six machine learning classifiers (Naïve Bayes (NB), k Nearest Neighbors (kNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF), and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) were evaluated on the feature vectors. The presented model yields promising results for the model classification task with a classification accuracy over 87%.
  • Öğe
    When to pull data for minimum age penalty
    (IEEE, 2021-10-18) Yavaşcan, Orhan Tahir; Ceran, Elif Tuğçe; Cakir, Zeynep; Uysal, Elif; Kaya, Onur
    A communication receiver that wants to pull data from a remote sensor by exploiting wireless energy transfer is considered. The receiver has a long-term average energy budget for this operation, and its goal is to keep the time average of a general age penalty function as small as possible. The channel from the source to the receiver is a two-state (ON/OFF) communication link whose state is IID or Markovian, and known instantaneously by the receiver. Modeling the problem as a constrained Markov decision problem, we obtain a randomized threshold-based decision policy that achieves the minimum possible average age penalty. We determine the optimal time average Age of Information and age violation probabilities by exploiting the optimality of the derived policy.
  • Öğe
    Comparative performance evaluation of VLC, LTE and WLAN technologies in indoor environments
    (IEEE, 2021-05-24) Zeshan, Arooba; Karbalayghareh, Mehdi; Miramirkhani, Farshad; Uysal, Murat; Baykaş, Tunçer
    Recent years have seen an exponential rise in the demand for indoor wireless connections that have driven future generation networks to aim for higher data rates with extended coverage and affordable rates. The two most prominent technologies for providing indoor wireless connections, WLAN and LTE, have their limitations and they can not coexist in a single band to form heterogeneous networks (HetNets). Visible light communication (VLC) has seen rapid growth in recent years as it has the capability to seamlessly merge with the existing technologies and provide wireless connections with high data rates. VLC based hybrid indoor network effectively combines the preferences of an end-user with the practicality of implementation. In this work, we investigate specific VLC/WLAN and VLC/LTE hybrid scenarios to perform a detailed analysis on the effect of user mobility on the performance of the system and how the performance of the network (in terms of throughput) can be maximized. The study aims to show how different technologies complement each other in the best and even the worst-case scenarios.