Sol-Kemalizmin tasfiyesi: 12 Eylül’ün Atatürkçülüğü ve kökenleri
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Ankara Üniversitesi Türk İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Türkiye siyasetinde Atatürk son derece ikna edici bir meşruiyet yaratma kaynağı olduğu için hemen her siyasi hareket kendisine Atatürk üzerinden meşruiyet sağlama arayışındadır. Uzun yıllar Türkiye’de meşruiyet merkezi Atatürk üzerinden şekillendiğinden, Atatürk’ün sözleri, devrimleri, ilkeleri ve pratiklerini çağın gereğine göre yorumlama iddiasıyla sağdan da soldan da çeşitli hareketler ortaya çıkmıştır. Ayrıca, Türkiye’de demokrasiye anti-demokratik yollarla müdahale niteliği taşıyan askeri darbelerin de meşruiyet araçları “Atatürkçülüğü koruma” söylemi olmuştur. Ancak bu meşruiyetle birlikte her darbe yönetimi zihnindeki devlet tasavvurunu kendi Atatürkçülük yorumuyla ortaya koymuştur. Öyle ki, Atatürk’ün kurduğu kurumları kapatan ve sol-Kemalistleri bu yolla kurumlardan bertaraf eden 12 Eylül Cuntası da tüm bunları Atatürkçülük üzerinden meşrulaştırmış ve daha edilgen bir toplum yaratarak, bu toplumu tartışılmaz bir üst ideoloji olarak kurgulamaya çalıştığı ve yoğun şekilde sembollerle desteklenen Atatürkçülük etrafında kenetlemeye çalışmıştır. Dolayısıyla bu makale, hem 12 Eylül yönetiminin sol-Kemalistleri nasıl ve neden tasfiye ettiğini, bu tasfiye sürecindeki müttefiklerinin kimler olduğunu ve tüm bunların nasıl bir sonuca yol açtığını tartışmaktadır. Ayrıca bu makale, sol-Kemalizm ile 12 Eylül Atatürkçülüğü arasında da bir ayrıma gitmektedir.
Since Atatürk is a very convincing source of legitimacy in Turkish politics, almost every political movement seeks to provide legitimacy through Atatürk. Since the center of legitimacy in Turkey has been shaped by Atatürk for many years, various movements from the right and the left have emerged with the claim of interpreting Atatürk's words, revolutions, principles and practices according to the necessities of the age. In addition, the legitimacy tools of the military coups, which have the characteristics of intervening in democracy in Turkey with anti-democratic methods, have been the discourse of "protecting Atatürkism". However, with this legitimacy, each coup administration revealed the state imagination in its mind with its own interpretation of Atatürkism. So much so, that the 12 September Junta, which closed the institutions established by Atatürk and eliminated the left-Kemalists from these institutions in this way, legitimized all these through their Atatürkism understanding and created a more passive society around Atatürkism, which was heavily supported by symbols. Therefore, this article discusses both how and why the September 12 administration eleminated the left-Kemalists, who were their allies in this elemination process, and what kind of result all of these led to. In addition, this article makes a distinction between left-Kemalism and 12 September Atatürkism.
Since Atatürk is a very convincing source of legitimacy in Turkish politics, almost every political movement seeks to provide legitimacy through Atatürk. Since the center of legitimacy in Turkey has been shaped by Atatürk for many years, various movements from the right and the left have emerged with the claim of interpreting Atatürk's words, revolutions, principles and practices according to the necessities of the age. In addition, the legitimacy tools of the military coups, which have the characteristics of intervening in democracy in Turkey with anti-democratic methods, have been the discourse of "protecting Atatürkism". However, with this legitimacy, each coup administration revealed the state imagination in its mind with its own interpretation of Atatürkism. So much so, that the 12 September Junta, which closed the institutions established by Atatürk and eliminated the left-Kemalists from these institutions in this way, legitimized all these through their Atatürkism understanding and created a more passive society around Atatürkism, which was heavily supported by symbols. Therefore, this article discusses both how and why the September 12 administration eleminated the left-Kemalists, who were their allies in this elemination process, and what kind of result all of these led to. In addition, this article makes a distinction between left-Kemalism and 12 September Atatürkism.
Anahtar Kelimeler
12 Eylül Atatürkçülüğü, Aydınlar Ocağı, Laiklik, Sol-Kemalizm, Türk-İslam Sentezi, Kemalism of September 12, Intellectual's Club, Laicism, September 12, Turk-Islamic Synthesis
Atatürk Yolu Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Yılmaz, O. A. (2022). Sol-Kemalizmin tasfiyesi: 12 Eylül’ün Atatürkçülüğü ve kökenleri. Atatürk Yolu Dergisi, 0(70), 473-485. doi:10.46955/ankuayd.1070347