21.yüzyıl çağdaş sanat önermesi olarak Peter Greenaway’in Last Supper dijital video enstalasyonu
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Istanbul Univ, Research Inst Turkology, Dept Art History
Erişim Hakkı
20.yüzyılda ilk örnekleri görülen dijital teknoloji ve dijital görüntü uygulamaları 21.yüzyılla birlikte post-dijital döneme evrilmiştir. Hızla gelişen dijital görüntüleme teknolojisi ve buna bağlı gelişen dijital video ve dijital görüntü işleme teknolojileri farklı ve yeni anlam katmanları yaratmak üzere sanat alanında kullanılmaktadır. Simülasyonlarla çevrili bir yaşam alanı sunan 21. yüzyılda sanat yeniden varlığını sorgulamaktadır. İngiliz sinema yönetmeni, ressam Peter Greenaway sanatın, özellikle sinema sanatının yenilenmesi ve farklı açılımlar yapabilmesi için 8000 yıllık geçmişi olan resim sanatına yeniden bakılması gerektiğini düşünmektedir. Bu amaçla 2006 yılında, Batı Resim Sanatı’nda başyapıt olarak kabul edilen eserler üzerinde yeni bir görsel bir dil oluşturmak, farklı anlam katmanları yaratmak amacı ile “Nine Classic Paintings Revisited” projesine başlamıştır. Bu proje kapsamında yer alan başyapıtlardan biri Leonardo da Vinci’ye ait “Last Supper” freskidir. Greenaway’in bakışı ile “Last Supper” dijital video enstelasyonu makalede incelenmek üzere seçilmiştir.
Digital technology and digital image applications, which were first seen in the 20th century, evolved into a post-digital turn with the 21st century. Rapidly developing digital imaging technology and its related digital video and digital image processing technologies are used in the field of art to create different and new layers of meaning. In the 21st century, which presents a living space surrounded by simulations, art is questioning its re-existence. The British cinema director, Peter Greenaway, thinks that art, especially the art of cinema, needs to be reconsidered for its 8000 year old art of painting, so that it can be renovated and made different expansions. For this purpose in 2006, he started the project "Nine Classic Paintings Revisited" with the aim of creating a new visual language on the works considered as masterpieces in Western Painting Art and creating layers of different meaning. Last Supper with a view of Greenaway is one of the project. The digital video installation artwork on the "Last Supper" fresco of Leonardo da Vinci was selected for review.
Digital technology and digital image applications, which were first seen in the 20th century, evolved into a post-digital turn with the 21st century. Rapidly developing digital imaging technology and its related digital video and digital image processing technologies are used in the field of art to create different and new layers of meaning. In the 21st century, which presents a living space surrounded by simulations, art is questioning its re-existence. The British cinema director, Peter Greenaway, thinks that art, especially the art of cinema, needs to be reconsidered for its 8000 year old art of painting, so that it can be renovated and made different expansions. For this purpose in 2006, he started the project "Nine Classic Paintings Revisited" with the aim of creating a new visual language on the works considered as masterpieces in Western Painting Art and creating layers of different meaning. Last Supper with a view of Greenaway is one of the project. The digital video installation artwork on the "Last Supper" fresco of Leonardo da Vinci was selected for review.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Çağdaş sanat, Dijital sanat, Dijital video sanatı, Performans sanatı, Post dijital dönem, Simülasyon, Video enstalasyon, Contemporary art, Dijital art, Digital video art, Last supper, Performance art, Peter Greenaway, Post dijital era, Video installation
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Avcı Tuğal, S., (2018). Peter Greenaway's last supper digital video installation as a 21st century contemporary art proposal. Art-Sanat, 9, 415-426.