Toplam kayıt 4103, listelenen: 1421-1440

      Künye Göre
      Ezzedine, A., Roknabadi, A. R. & Mohtashami Borzadaran, G. R. (2022). Preventive replacement for belligerent systems. TWMS Journal Of Applied And Engineering Mathematics, 12(4), 1179-1188. [1]
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      Falcıoğlu, P. & Sabah, S. (2016). Takım çalışması yöntemi ile öğrenme üzerine bir algı araştırması. Research Journal of Business and Management, 3(1), 22-30. doi:10.17261/Pressacademia.2016116542 [1]
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      Farajzadeh, A. & Dianatifar, A. (2023). The Kannan fixed point theorem in incomplete modular spaces. TWMS Journal Of Applied And Engineering Mathematics, 13(4), 1355-1361. [1]
      Farajzadeh, A. (2022). A minimax inequality and its applications. TWMS Journal Of Applied And Engineering Mathematics, 12(3), 846-850. [1]
      Farajzadeh, A. P., Zanganehmehr, P. & Hasanoğlu, E. (2021). A new form of Kakutani fixed point theorem and intersection theorem with applications. Applied And Computational Mathematics, 20(3), 430-435. [1]
      Farhang, N. & Talebi, Y. (2024). Novel concepts in vague incidence graphs with application. TWMS Journal Of Applied And Engineering Mathematics, 14(1), 336-352. [1]
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